
Boundary Identification Surveys

A boundary identification survey is a plan subject to the provisions of and covered by the Surveying and Spatial Information Act 2002. This style of plan identifies land boundaries including bearings, distances and offsets from structures near the boundary along with any encumbrances on title.

All boundary surveys must be carried out by Registered Land Surveyor or someone acting under the supervision of a Registered Land Surveyor, who takes full responsibility for the work. At Rygate we currently have two Registered Land Surveyors who undertake or oversee all plans of survey that define boundaries.


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There are a number of different types of boundary surveys as shown below:


Boundary Redefinition Surveys

In the event that an existing Deposited Plan discloses discrepancies or proves to be unreliable. Rygate Surveyors can prepare a new Deposited Plan to be lodged at Land Registry Services creating new title dimensions and giving the owner surety of their property boundaries.

Redefinition Plans are often prepared to provide a satisfactory base for a Strata Subdivision.


Strata Subdivisions

Stratum Subdivision enables the creation of Lots for land or building structures where boundaries are limited in height and depth. Stratum Subdivision enables mixed use development eg. Strata and Torrens Title within the same building. Rygate Surveyors have extensive experience with both commercial and residential Stratum Stratum developments from concept through to plan registration.


Stratum Subdivisions

Stratum subdivision enables the creation of three dimensional lots for land or building structures where boundaries are limited in height and depth. Stratum Subdivision enables mixed use development eg. Strata and Torrens Title within the same building. Rygate Surveyors have extensive experience with both commercial and residential Stratum Stratum developments from concept through to plan registration.


Boundary Delimitation Surveys

In the event that an existing Deposited Plan discloses discrepancies or proves to be unreliable. Rygate Surveyors can prepare a new Deposited Plan to be lodged at Land Registry Services creating new title dimensions and giving the owner surety of their property boundaries. Redefinition Plans are often prepared to provide a satisfactory base for a Strata Subdivision.


Easement Plans

Rygate Surveyors have experience in the creation of easements. Easements can be created by an appropriate dealing registered at Land Registry Services or by the registration of a Deposited Plan with an appropriate section 88b instrument attached. No matter what type of Easement you are wishing to create Rygate Surveyors can give you the expert advice that you need, as well being able to create an easement plan and a draft 88b for your legal team.


Community Title Subdivisions

Community title schemes allow for a variety of land uses (including residential commercial and industrial) where assets can be shared by the owners as association property. These developments require a specialised and experienced approach that Ryagte Surveyors can provide you with.


Identification Surveys

An Identification Survey Report prepared by Rygate Surveyors includes a sketch plan and written report identifying any improvements or encroachments by or upon the parcel of land subject to the identification survey. The survey report also identifies any easements or restrictions on the subject land. Over a long history Rygates have performed thousands of Identification Surveys across NSW. Whether it be Multi-Storey inner city buildings, commercial warehouses, suburban residential properties or Rural land the experienced registered land surveyors at Rygate Surveyors can prepare an Identification Survey for you.


Subdivision Design

As Registered Surveyors Rygate Surveyors have the required qualification and experience for all aspects of subdivision design. We have the capabilities to assist with your project from the initial detail and levels survey, to the development application, road design, stormwater design and final subdivision. Registered Surveyors such as Rygate Surveyors are uniquely positioned as the only professionals permitted to provide all these services in NSW.


Boundary Peg outs

After performing initial search into current plans and titles at NSW Land Registry Services Rygate Surveyors can attend site to define and mark your title boundaries. This can be necessary for the purpose of new building development in close proximity to a boundary or for fencing. Once the boundary marks have been placed onsite Rygates will prepare a sketch plan signed by a Registered Land Surveyor showing the nature and position of marks placed onsite.